Copied 4.0.1 Crack

Copied 4.0.1 Crack

Copied is a full featured clipboard manager. Save text, links, and images that you’ve copied to your clipboard from any app

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Copied 4.0.1 Crack

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Copied is a full featured clipboard manager. Save text, links, and images that you’ve copied to your clipboard from any app. Quickly access your saved clippings from the menubar and copy them back to your clipboard in its original format or in a variety of different formats using templates
Create lists and organize your clippings. Use hotkeys to select a list and copy clippings from the list without switching away from your active window.
Copied also provides continuity between your devices. With iCloud Sync, you can pick up right where you left off on any device. Copied uses iCloud Sync to sync your saved clippings and lists so that you can access them from any device.
Compatibility: OS X 10.14 or later 64-bit
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