Clipboard Action is smart clipboard history manager, which allows execute actions with every content in the clipboard history. Define your custom actions using AppleScript or Automator Workflow or use a default application actions.
Key features:
View Modes - List and detail view mode.
Native Mac Interface - Execute action or delete content by swipe gesture.
Browsing Clipboard History - By swipe gesture, navigation buttons or keyboard shortcuts.
Default Application Actions - Open, Save to File and Search with Google.
Custom Actions - User defined actions using AppleScript or Automator Workflow.
Folders - Organize your content to Folders.
Search and Filter Content - text search and filter by content type or by aplication from which was content copied.
Content Selection - There is no need to work with the whole content, just select a part of text and work with them.
Content Sharing - Share clipboard content with your friends.
Drag and Drop - Drag and drop content to any application.
Global Shortcuts - Show application from anywhere.
Global System Service - Use selected text from anywhere.
Shortcuts - Execute actions by shortcut Cmd + 1 .. Cmd + 10.
Mode without Dock Icon - Show application window on active screen and active space.
Ignored Applications - Ignore the copied content from these applications.
Touch Bar Support - Navigation in the clipboard history and execute actions.
Launch Application at Login.
What’s New:
Version 1.5.0
Support for Apple M1 chips.
Small Improvements.
Compatibility: macOS 10.12 or later, 64-bit processor
Clipboard Action 1.5.7 Crack
Clipboard Action is smart clipboard history manager, which allows execute actions with every content in the clipboard history
Universal Solutions
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