BookReader 5.15.7 Crack

BookReader 5.15.7 Crack

Top eBook Reader on the Mac.Supported formats: EPUB, FB2, Microsoft DOC, RTF, RTFd, xHTML, Webarchive and TXT.

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BookReader 5.15.7 Crack
BookReader 5.15.7 Crack
BookReader 5.15.7 Crack

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Top eBook Reader on the Mac.
Supported formats: EPUB, FB2, Microsoft DOC, RTF, RTFd, xHTML, Webarchive and TXT.
Features Highlights:
Best Retina support
Page flipping animation
Optimized for Lion and Mountain Lion OS
Exportable Highlighting and Notes
Text To Speech for vision impaired people
Very small memory footprint
BookShelf database with easy metadata management
Natural two pages viewing mode
Table Of Contents with crossover hypertext links
Hypertext links and tooltips to Notes (FB2)
Text search function
Fullscreen mode
Gestures: scrolling, zooming
Customisable operational keys
Automatic charset encoding
Customisable fonts family, sizes, colors, inter row spacing, margins, columns gap, etc
Customisable book background
Page flipping sound
Printing and converting to PDF format
Leap Motion controller support
Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor

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